A Little Walk

Today marks a milestone in that little guy's life. Hendrix has taken his first "walk after supper" without a wagon. When asked which route to take, Hendrix will undoubtedly choose the side of the road that leads to the water fixture of the bear catching the fish. He loves talking to it and I love him for talking to it. I caught myself staring at him full of wonder and incredible joy. The walk, as some would say, was indeed "good for my soul".

It reminds me of the passage describing God's walk with Adam & Eve in the cool of the day:

And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. - Genesis 3:8

This of course was after they ate the forbidden fruit. But I want to take a moment to step back and look at the intimacy of this passage. Lord God, Creator of the Universe, was walking in the very same garden Adam and Eve lived day in and day out. Based on the numerous passages about God's love for humanity, we can defer that the intent of this walk was pure fellowship between Creator and Created. God simply wanted to spend time with His most cherished possession.

I can not help but think that the joy of walking with Hendrix today was but a portion of the joy and love our Father feels for us when we spend time with Him.