Fantastic Fridays

A long time ago in a far away galaxy, before Pinterest & Twitter ruled the bookmarkverse, there was a series of blog posts called Fantastic Fridays. They were a collection of links curated by a fellow blogger that interested the general public from various walks in life. It is time for that list to be revived:

  • Volt Buckle - A belt buckle that doubles as a USB charger.
  • Space_1 Wallpaper - gorgeous wallpaper
  • When I Grow Up - collection of super hero silhouettes from Andy Fairhurst
  • Humble Bundle - video game connoisseurs rejoice - a DRM free, pay what you want solution
  • Watermelon Keg - clever way to beat the heat this summer
  • 50 Pullups - go from 0 to 50 pull ups; I'm impressed when I can do just one.
  • Redux - what stands apart about this online TV solution is that the videos are curated
  • Laser Cut Money - pretty sure it is illegal to deface money, but art is amazing!